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Lit & Kaboodle

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City Goats: The Goat Justice League's Guide to Backyard Goat Keeping
Jennie Grant

My Heart Is an Idiot

My Heart Is an Idiot: Essays - Davy Rothbart test

Whistling Past the Graveyard

Whistling Past the Graveyard - Susan Crandall A mix of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird.

The Roswell Conspiracy

The Roswell Conspiracy - Boyd Morrison Read like an action movie, but that is not a negative comment.

Reached (Matched Trilogy Series #3)

Reached (Matched Trilogy Series #3) - meh

Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon - I.J. Kay Unusual voice, endearing protagonist, a lot of shifting around in chronology. A good read, but I am not sure I fully understand the events that transpired. Might have to read again.

The Red House

The Red House - Mark Haddon Meh. Too many short, choppy sentences and a lot of implying. I didn't understand what was going on half the time.

Whispers Under Ground

Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch Thought this was the best one yet.

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden Series #1)

The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden Series #1) - This title is on Netgalley and the minute the word "vampire" appeared in the description, I passed it by. Then somewhere, I don't remember where, I saw a blurb that went something like "if you think you are over vampires, think again". So I did and I am SO glad. (The selling point that put me over is it is set in a dystopian society, one of my favorite genre's). I could not put this book down. It is action packed and the story moves along really fast. In this society vampires are in charge and the humans are used for food and service. Some humans live on the fringe or outside of the cities, scrambling to survive. There are also crazy, mutant vampires. It reminded me of a zombie novel and I mean this in a totally good way. The only bad thing is now I have a long time to wait for #2!

Seating Arrangements

Seating Arrangements - Maggie Shipstead I found this to be a well written, dark comedy, though I did find at times it was more sad, than funny. There were some definite humorous situations and as events began to spin out of control, I found I couldn't put it down. I was rushing to get to the end because I wanted a satisfying ending, but I didn't quite get that. I wanted a little more resolution between the characters.

Broken Harbor (Dublin Murder Squad Series #4)

Broken Harbor (Dublin Murder Squad Series #4) - The half-finished housing estate makes a terrific and creepy setting. The characters are very real and the story continually builds up the tension until the thrilling conclusion. Could not put this one down. Keeps you guessing up until near the end. I highly recommend this psychological crime thriller.

I've Got Your Number

I've Got Your Number - FUN!!! If you like Bridget Jones then read this.

The Rook

The Rook - Loved this book! A Harry Potter for grownups or Doctor Who fans. I hope this is just the first in the adventures of Myfanwy Thomas. Highly recommend!

The Tiger's Wife

The Tiger's Wife - I agree with a previous reviewers comments:"In The Tiger’s Wife, sadly, the parts are greater than the whole. The three story strands never come together to form one beautiful, and emotionally moving, story. In the end, they remain three disparate story strands. They leave the reader with the sense of having read something beautiful, but also something rather pointless.The book also loses momentum, even before we reach mid-point. I didn’t feel this was because the author was juggling three separate story strands – she seems to juggle separate story strands without trouble – but because the two folktales never seem to mesh well enough with the story of Natalia and her grandfather.The book gives us a beautiful sense of place, and at times, the prose is so good it’s luminous. The book is definitely “arty,” but I wanted a little less art and a lot more humanity. The three stars are for the beautiful evocation of place and atmosphere, and for the lovely writing. Sadly, the story told, as is, is only worth one star to me. You may be different, but I needed more of the grandfather. I do feel Obreht has a very bright future, and I’m looking forward to more from her. It’s rare to find such sophisticated writing in one still so young."

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin Very disappointing. What I liked was that I couldn't figure out what was going on or where it was heading, but when it was finally, somewhat explained, it was a let down. Plus it left you hanging in the end. I was really bothered by the reactions, or lack of reactions, of the characters when things happened. Such as, my teacher died in front of me, but oh well, time to head to my next class. I might read the next one just to see where it is heading, but I might not.

Crossed (Matched Trilogy Series #2)

Crossed (Matched Trilogy Series #2) - Reminders for 3rd book:Cassia and Indie escape to The Carving in search of Ky. Ky escaped with Vick and Eli (13 yr old). Vick dies, then all 4 meet up. They go to Farmers settlement in The Carving and meet Hunter. They leave, Hunter and Eli head off to find Farmers in the mountains. Cassia, Indie and Ky go downstream to The Rising. Cassia is sent back to infiltrate The Society, Ky becomes a pilot in Camas region, Indie is sent to unknown. Xander is part of The Society, but is secretly a member of The Rising.Ky-originally from outer villages, father a rebel, mother a painter. Village is burned, Ky went to Society to live with Aunt and Uncle.Cassie raised in Society. Family sent to outer villages to farm.

Exhibition 36: A Gallery of Mixed-Media Inspiration

Exhibition 36: Mixed-Media Demonstrations + Explorations - Susan   Tuttle To buy?